Summit School of the Poconos

Summit School of the Poconos is no longer operational, as of July 2022. All Summit team efforts are currently focused on building Summit Charter School. This site remains active to provide information about the educational model upon which the Summit Charter School is based.

Home > Beyond the Basics

Beyond the Basics

Breaking the mold of traditional education

Kids Learning in a classroom

We go beyond the basics.

Reading, Writing, and Math are important, and they are taught well at Summit School. But there is so much more to learn and explore.

Reset your mind. We expect our student to work hard and think hard. But, like adults, students need time and space to reset their brain throughout the day. All students have movement breaks and recess daily. Meditation can be elected over movement if this better serves them.

Teachers are mindful of each student’s individuality and work with them to make sure they get the time they need to take a break or mental reset, even if it’s not scheduled. Over time, students begin to recognize how to self-regulate and manage their personal needs and academic productivity, a skill that will serve them well as adults.

Get up and move! There is a positive correlation between movement and learning, so don’t sit there, glued to your seat! Get up and move!

Summit School encourages movement during the school day for all ages of students–from our school-wide morning movement, to teacher-led movement activities in class, to recess periods at every grade level.

Our classrooms are also all equipped with flexible seating options (bean bags, stools, and lounge chairs). Students can even stand when appropriate. THe important thing is not where or how they sit, but what and how they learn!

What’s your jam? In addition to core content like Math and English-language Arts, we offer exploratory, interest driven periods of learning like Genius hour, iLab, and Robotics. Art, Music, Health and Physical Educations classes are also held weekly. Club related activities like yoga, ski club, leadership club, athletics club, etc. are scheduled weekly with participation driven by student choice.

Shared ownership. Students are expected to clean up after themselves and to help to keep the school clean and orderly on a rotating basis. This includes chores like sweeping the floors or tidying the halls. Older students may participate in a Class Employment System (CES) that offers experiences much like the “real world.”

When kids mentor kids, everyone moves to the head of the class. At Summit School, mixed-age opportunities play an important role in student success.

  • Younger students look up to older ones as role models.
  • Older students become mentors and assume responsibility for being leaders.
  • Rather than rivalry amongst one another, students support one another’s learning.
  • Classmates who support one another learn together and from one another, forming a strong community.

Lesson learned

There are as many ways to learn as there are children.

What parents are saying

There is no other school like Summit School. The pure excitement that my son gets from going to school and learning through play and projects is absolutely priceless!

Kristie, Parent

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